Sunday, June 11, 2006

5 ways not to respond to a vegetarian

5 ways you should not respond to a vegetarian when they first share this fact with you:

  • Do you eat chicken? No, chickens are not vegetables. Asking someone if they eat fish is not as bad, as there are so many people that are pescatarian I can understand the confusion. Someone who says they are a vegetarian but then answers yes to this question is greatly confused. Give me the benefit of the doubt that I know what I'm saying.
  • Really? How do you get protein? If you are asking this question with the genuine intent of discussing nutritional philosophies, then its a great conversation starter. But more often than not it's said more as a statement of disapproval. Are you ready to answer the return question of how you get your fiber? Your calcium? Your various vitamins?
  • That's cool. Sometimes I eat veggie burgers instead of real ones. It's funny to point out that despite the fact that your meals most likely contain a large number of non-meat ingredients, it's really the almighty veggie burger that defines vegetarianism.
  • I'd like to be a vegetarian, but I could never give up [fill in meat product here]. If you really wanted to be a vegetarian you'd find a way to give it up. This statement is almost always just a space filler until the next conversational topic comes up.
  • But your shoes have leather in them. First of all you are confusing veganism with vegetarianism. And secondly, yes, I am quite aware of this fact already.

Bonus round! Good ways to respond:

  • How long have you been vegetarian? Why? I actually hate to answer the why question, because I'm not a militant vegetarian and don't want to come off as one. But at least its a good way to start a dialog.
  • I don't believe in vegetarianism because... It's interesting to hear different belief systems, and I'm always open to new ideas/research/etc.
  • Interesting! Anyway, about that other thing...If you're not interested in talking about my vegetarianism, that's fine with me. I rarely tell people I'm a vegetarian unless the situation necessitates it or if it fits in the conversation. By all means, feel free to change the subject.
  • In what way do you obtain vitamin b12? Ah - you know what it means to be a vegetarian. You may have been one for awhlie or at least read about it before.
  • Awesome! I've been meaning to try out this really interesting recipe that has no meat in it. Come on over for dinner! Sweet, free food for me!


At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


B-12 consumption is rarely ever an issue with Vegetarians, babe. B-12 comes from animal products. Vegetarians eat eggs and cheese, a.k.a Animal Products.

Getting adequate intake of the vitamin becomes more of a concern when someone is Vegan, as in they do not ANY animal products.

You seriously should know this by now. Right up there with knowing the difference between a kumquat and a grape.

At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is great that you are vegetarian! Way to stand up for what you believe in! But are you sure you're getting enough sausage in your diet?

At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come vegetarians are always so sassy? Is it the excess fiber? Please splain this to me.


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