Monday, March 05, 2007

An important conversation starter

They say there's no such thing as bad publicity, so I feel bad about posting this, but I think it's important anyway.

Without giving my own opinion, I just think the following clip is an important conversation starter.

For those that don't know, Ann Coulter is a best-selling conservative political pundit. What follows is what may be offensive to some people, but can also spark some debate that this country really needs:

I could go for days commenting on this, but instead I leave it up to you to discuss over your next dinner table discussion...


At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard about this on Air America's Sam Seder show. Unfortunately, there's a bunch of people in this country who believe this c--p. Frankly, I am very concerned about the directions our country is taking and the lies being espoused to promote certain agendas. Our democracy is in danger of becoming something else.

At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ann Coulter is vile. What is disturbing to me about this episide is that she makes the claim that she was not making a statement about Kerry's sexuality when she called him a faggot. She said something to the effect that of course he couldn't be a faggot because he was a married man and father of two. It was merely "a schoolyard taunt."

First of all, given that national politics are conducted by adults, I don't appreciate seeing serious business reduced to the level of elementary school.

Second of all, Ann completely misses the point in understanding why calling someone "a faggot" is a big deal. Her intent was to insult John Kerry pure and simple. Her idea of insulting him is by calling him a faggot, meaning he is a homosexual meaning that he is less than a "real" heterosexual man. Her choice of insult represents a dangerous line of thought in relegating an entire portion of the world's population to second class citizens based on their biological sexual orientation.

Ann Coulter is vile.


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